This was originally sent out as our October 2019 Gas & Oil Industry Newsletter
I. New Pipeline Rules for Natural Disasters
Just this month PHMSA finalized a rule that significantly revises aspects of pipeline safety regulations Part 192 and 195 for natural gas and hazardous liquids pipelines. Major changes include expansion of integrity assessments and leak detection, extension of reporting on gathering lines, and a new requirement for inspections of pipelines in areas impacted by natural disasters.
The new extreme weather and natural disaster rules requires pipeline operators to begin inspections of impacted facilities within 72 hours of the end of the event. Once the area can be safely accessed, the operator needs to take prompt remedial actions to ensure continued safe operations of the pipeline system.
Wildfires are racing across 5 western states, the USGS reports multiple “significant earthquakes” in North America in the past 30 days, and we still have a month left in hurricane season. While wildfires are down almost 50% this season, and the gulf has been a lot quieter than last year, it is important to plan ahead to be able to react within that 72-hour window.

II. AGMs Provide Quick Reference
After a natural disaster strikes, the landscape can change significantly making it difficult to orient yourself.
Missing street signs and fences, paired with downed cell towers can make it difficult to locate the ROW not to mention the pipeline itself.
Above ground markers can make it possible to know the approximate location of plastic pipes when locate test stations are damaged or inaccessible.
A durable and flexible above ground marker paired with a flush mounted Rhino HideOut test station can protect your tracer wire and make it possible to locate the pipeline in challenging situations.
III. Hall of Shame: Marking Failures from Around the World
“Have you ever seen people so ugly that you have to get someone else to verify it?”
– Jeff Foxworthy
Here we have another clear case of full-blown CLS (crappy looking signage). This sign is so ugly that one of our Damage Prevention Consultants had to take a picture of it to show the rest of the office!
To cure CLS, we would prescribe a dose of Rhino UV Armor Signs once every ten years.
Side effects may include: increased visibility, enhanced durability , cost savings, and improved brand awareness.
Learn more by watching the video below, and look for our PSA about CLS in next month’s newsletter.

IV. Must Watch
We have new sign making technology, and we’re pretty excited about it. After watching this video, we think you will be too.
The Inside Scoop: News from the Rhino Office
Overheard: “I want to remove all the joy out of eating … that’s the goal.” – Chris Thome, on his aggressive plan to trim down before winter after a very indulgent fall.
On the Road: They say a key to happiness is having things to look forward to … and we’re pumped to be heading to Palm Spring, CA March 24-26, 2020 for the CGA 811 Excavation Safety Conference & Expo! Learn more or register here.
You Can’t Make This Up: Damage Prevention Consultant Nick Temple consumed so much green chili while down at the New Mexico Damage Prevention Summit that he had to use a few hours of PTO to recover upon his return to Minnesota.